Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dear Republican Proposal Guy,

You're not doing Republicans or yourself any favors with your glorified Microsoft Power-Point marriage proposal.  Please go to your local shopping mall and purchase some creativity.  Oh, and who kisses their girlfriend's chin after a proposal?


P.S. - Mitt Romney just called.  He want's his dull personality back when you are done with it.

(click here to watch this train wreck)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dear Brandy,

Thank you for finally dropping a hot song! It was about time you stopped killing people with your car and started killing them with the music.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dear Henrik "I'm not really hard" Rummel,

Congratulations!!!!  Oh and good going on winning the bronze medal too.
Call me maybe?!?!


Click it to make it bigger!  LOL